
Hierarchy of the Nebula array/object: “site”: Data about the website in general Includes “name”, “directory”, “home_url”, “domain”, “protocol”, “language”, “ajax”, “upload_dir”, “ecommerce”, “options”, “resources” “post”: Helps search results use the…


This function requires the Hubspot API to be added in Nebula Options. It is currently not used for sending Hubspot data as the data is currently sent through the nv()…


…page source, so data may be seen by the visitor. Important: Do not add personally identifiable information to this session ID! This data is stored in Google Analytics where PII…


Brief warning that the Yahoo API (from my experience) is not very reliable as far as up-time. Nebula caches the data and prevents long timeouts, but the weather data itself…

Facebook Customer Chat Plugin

…ID (from your Facebook Developers page) to the Nebula Options (in the APIs tab). Doing this will provide data about the user for personalization, remarketing, or other uses. Nebula Tips…

Upgrading to Font Awesome Pro

Instructions Download the Pro version of Font Awesome for Web here: https://fontawesome.com/download (reference the version number there). Be sure to upload the Font Awesome Pro webfonts folder to the /assets/css…


The order ID is passed by WooCommerce and is handled automatically. This function requires Nebula Visitor DB option to be enabled.


…service worker, use navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage(data), or the more convenient Nebula alias: nebulaPostMessage Deprecated in favor of Workbox Window. Use workbox.messageSW()[code] after it has been activated (Listen for [code]nebula_workbox_active on the document)....

Analytics Overview

One of the most notable features of Nebula is how it integrates analytics out of the box. Simply add your Tracking ID from Google Analytics and Nebula will immediately send…

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