
…On autocomplete success, nebula_autocomplete_search_success is triggered. When search results are available, nebula_autocomplete_search_results is triggered, otherwise nebula_autocomplete_search_no_results is triggered if no results are available. On AJAX error, this function triggers nebula_autocomplete_search_error….


…stored in WordPress within the Nebula CF7 Submissions custom post type (which appears within the “Contact” admin menu item). It may appear in other form storage systems like the Advanced…


This function stores timing data using in a window nebulaTimings object- this object is organized by uniqueID. Each uniqueID contains an object of data including: started: When the timer…


This function is essentially an alias for navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage(data), but it also checks if Service Worker is supported and if there is currently a controller, so it is safe to use…


…that data exists. To use it in a “local” form, you can do it the same way as above, but if you are using Contact Form 7 with Nebula no…

Launch Checklist

…with events and AdWords). Ensure required bug testing has been completed. Ensure required content entry has been completed. Prepare 301 Redirects. Backup “wp_content” folder. Server Backup Wordpress database (cPanel >…


…the class no-scroll is added to the element) or when the class nebula-scrollto is present. After scrolling, the element will be “focused” on to maintain keyboard navigability. If you’re seeing…


This functions searches post data as well as custom field data. Post types can specifically be excluded from autocomplete searches with the filter nebula_autocomplete_ignore_types. Individual posts can specifically be excluded…

Finding an Deregistering Assets Manually

…time will be faster. Deregistering styles and scripts via Nebula Options Nebula provides an advanced feature that scans the front-end for registered styles and scripts, and allows administrators to easily…

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