
…choose not to have this send emails, but instead log them to the database using any CF7 database plugin (one is bundled with Nebula, but you must activate it yourself)….


Returns boolean. Works well with nested objects- this helps prevent long conditionals like if ( nebula && nebula.client && nebula.client.remote_addr ){…} Note: This function can not detect if an object…


Timings are stored in nebula()->server_timings and categories are separated into a nebula()->server_timings[‘categories’] array. Timings will automatically appear for developers, but the query string ?timings must be used for non-developers (or…


…and logs themselves can be viewed in Nebula Options in the Diagnostics tab. Some examples of administrative events that are logged by Nebula itself: Nebula theme activation Nebula theme updates…


The goal of Nebula is to be both a powerful framework for professional developers as well as a learning resource for entry-level and hobbyist programmers. To accomplish this, Nebula follows…


Unlike jQuery getScript(), this function caches the JavaScript resource….


Important: This function requires the “Attribution Tracking” Nebula Option to be enabled in order to use it! Be sure that the use of this cookie fits within your privacy policy…


This function can be called as a PHP function or via JavaScript using AJAX. Nebula adds a markup key to the Twitter object where it wraps detected strings in HTML…

Google Analytics Calculated Metrics

…calculated metrics using Nebula custom metrics Avg. Max Scroll Percent (Percent) Requires “Max Scroll Percent” custom metric (Nebula Options). Custom Report should have this metric along with “Unique Pageviews” against…

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