Examples & Tips

…Media API to capture video (and/or audio) from the user’s device. History API January 17, 2017 1484629200 February 19, 2018 1519017240 History API Use the History API to modify the…


…Link Youtube Channel to Google Analytics Analytics Overview Google Analytics Goals Google Analytics Segments Google Analytics Custom Reports Google Analytics Custom Alerts Google Analytics Calculated Metrics Google Analytics Custom Definitions…

Link Youtube Channel to Google Analytics

If the project is associated with a Youtube channel, it is important to link the data to Google Analytics. Create a new property in Google Analytics Google Analytics > Admin…

Google Analytics Segments

…that can be created with standard Google Analytics dimensions. My Hostnames Conditions Hostname matches regex RegEx .*yourdomain.com|.*googleusercontent.com Note: Replace “yourdomain” above with your actual domain. Include any secondary domains too….

Google Maps JavaScript API

Nebula automatically loads the Google Maps JS API script if the class googlemap exists. It triggers nebula_google_maps_api_loaded when it is loaded. However, Nebula does not provide additional functions for placing…

Google Analytics Custom Reports

…Not Found occurrences on the site and show what URL was attempted so that 301 redirects can be created. This report is prioritized by pageviews. Link: https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/template?uid=q60DtZ0rSPqZZ3rZIqG30w Type: Explorer Metrics:…

Google Analytics Custom Definitions

Nebula bundles lots of optional Custom Dimensions and Custom Metrics for Google Analytics. Use as many or as few as needed. Use the Nebula Options page to enable them. While…

Google Maps Embed API

This API requires an API key from the Google Developers Console. It can be stored in Nebula Options.

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