
This function requires the Hubspot Portal ID in Nebula Options.


Similar to throttle() but debounce only allows the callback once at the end (or the beginning) whereas throttle happens multiple times with a “cooldown” in between….

Nebula Block Template

This template is entirely controlled via the WordPress Block Editor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vestibulum diam at leo lobortis euismod. Aenean id lacus velit. Fusce…


Very similar to debounce but where debounce happens only once at the end (or the beginning), throttle happens multiple times but limited to a set amount of time in between….


The Nebula Options page is a convenient way to enable/disable Nebula functions as well as apply project-specific information like geolocation. It is entirely optional, so standard coding takes priority over…


This is a convenient function to use because Nebula options are stored in an array.


Developers and clients IP addresses and email domains can be added in Nebula Options under the Administration tab. For clarification, “client” in this context means the person or business for…


This function checks for the video to play, pause, or end. When played, nebula_playing_video is triggered. When paused, nebula_paused_video is triggered. When ended, nebula_finished_video is triggered. This function also triggers…


This function stores timing data using in a window nebulaTimings object- this object is organized by uniqueID. Each uniqueID contains an object of data including: started: When the timer…

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