
…the transient storage is different than simply getting/setting data to a variable, you may need to write the transient/wp_cache directly. Note: Using the ?debug query parameter will clear/bypass the transient….

Relevanssi Search

…recommended settings for the Relevanssi Search Options page in the WordPress admin. $wp_query->found_posts This snippet will show the amount of search results. $post->relevance_score This snippet will show the score associated…

Finding an Deregistering Assets Manually

Deregistering (and dequeuing) styles and scripts from WordPress is a way to optimize the load time of the website. Naturally, the fewer resources being loaded and processed means the load…


“Use Companion Script” and “Real-Time Form Identification” options must be enabled for this to work in Nebula Options (using the Companion plugin). This function looks for any query string that…


Current group size breakpoints: “ultrawidescreen”: 2048px (and larger) “widescreen”: 1600px (and larger) “tablet_landscape”: 1023px (and smaller) “tablet”: 767px (and smaller) “mobile_landscape”: 668px (and smaller) “mobile”: 376px (and smaller) “print” “sm”:…


This function is used to replace core WordPress search forms (as described above), but also can be called manually.


This function requires the linear channel value lookup table. For simple functionality (when only needing black and white return values) consider using the readable-color() function instead….

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