
This function requires the library Device Detection for advanced detection, but works with very basic functionality without it.


Use the class nebula-validate on the form (or containing element) to enable validation. In Contact Form 7, either wrap the whole thing in a <div> or modify the shortcode with…


This function listens for (and times) the initial scroll by the user as well as when (if) the user reaches the end of the page. To supplement this data, implement…


For more complicated patterns, you may want to use the Fetch API directly, but this Nebula function simplifies the traditional fetch() pattern significantly for simple tasks.

Adding URLs to the JSON Speculation Rules API

To add basic URLs you can simply append to the array. For more complex speculative rules, you can copy the metadata.php file to the child theme. The array starts with…


…option observe_dnt is set to comply with that request If within the WordPress Customizer If the query string noga is present If the current IP address matches the server’s IP…


Common WordPress hooks for deregistering assets include wp_enqueue_scripts, wp_print_styles, and wp_print_scripts. Make sure your hook has a higher priority number so it runs after the original. This function both dequeues…


…a few principles… Nebula is autonomous. The reason WordPress has proliferated is in part due to it not needing extra software. Nebula follows this mentality in that it should not…

Launch Checklist

Note: Before starting this checklist, make sure the testing checklist has been completed. Wordpress Admin Verify Site Title is correct (Settings > General). Verify Tagline is either client’s tagline or…


…that are logged by Nebula itself: Nebula theme activation Nebula theme updates (via WordPress updater) WordPress core updates (via WordPress updater) Nebula Options saved Admin user registration Automatic Sass disabling…

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