Examples & Tips

These are use cases of both Nebula functions and advanced third-party functionality. Latest Updates Example Created Created (UTC) Modified Modified (UTC) Keywords Adding URLs to the JSON Speculation Rules API January…

Facebook Customer Chat Plugin

…needs the entire basedomain (so including the protocol and subdirectories or subdomains). For example: https://nebula.gearside.com/ Paste in the snippet from the Facebook documentation or use the example snippet from the…

Welcome to the Gutenberg Editor

Of Mountains & Printing Presses The goal of this new editor is to make adding rich content to WordPress simple and enjoyable. This whole post is composed of pieces of…

Finding an Deregistering Assets Manually

Deregistering (and dequeuing) styles and scripts from WordPress is a way to optimize the load time of the website. Naturally, the fewer resources being loaded and processed means the load…


…Remember: there is no guarantee that an event will trigger at the end! If the action being throttled stops half-way into the cooldown, it will not trigger again! For example,…


This function stores all data in a window object called onces….

Nebula Block Template

…mi maximus, bibendum erat. Example 2 Proin fringilla feugiat bibendum. Maecenas ut tellus libero. Vestibulum dignissim bibendum pellentesque. Example 3 Fusce blandit finibus mi, et egestas velit mollis in. In…


This function is used to replace core WordPress search forms (as described above), but also can be called manually.

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