
…as well in a sortable table. Timings are finalized again at the last possible moment to make sure they are complete. Timings are available in the WordPress admin area too….

Testing Checklist

WordPress offers a unit testing checklist and import files along with instructions for theme testing in general. Usability Interface, visual content, and legibility Homepage appearance Consistent headers Element alignment Timing…


Common WordPress hooks for deregistering assets include wp_enqueue_scripts, wp_print_styles, and wp_print_scripts. Make sure your hook has a higher priority number so it runs after the original. This function both dequeues…


…a few principles… Nebula is autonomous. The reason WordPress has proliferated is in part due to it not needing extra software. Nebula follows this mentality in that it should not…

Launch Checklist

Note: Before starting this checklist, make sure the testing checklist has been completed. Wordpress Admin Verify Site Title is correct (Settings > General). Verify Tagline is either client’s tagline or…


…that are logged by Nebula itself: Nebula theme activation Nebula theme updates (via WordPress updater) WordPress core updates (via WordPress updater) Nebula Options saved Admin user registration Automatic Sass disabling…


This function facilitates the animation class and reflowing the element as needed in a single function so it does not need to be done manually in multiple steps.


This can be useful for use with custom dimensions in Google Analytics on articles. Be sure to hook in custom fields so they can be included in the word count!…

Bootstrap Modal

…active), add the nebula-modal class to the top-level .modal div. To animate the modal showing, you can add Nebula animation classes to the .modal-dialog div. For example: nebula-zoom animate nebula-zoom-in…


Shadows are pseudo :before and :after elements and their z-index is set to -1 so if they are applied on top of a background image, they will end up behind…

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