
Use the class nebula-validate on the form (or containing element) to enable validation. In Contact Form 7, either wrap the whole thing in a <div> or modify the shortcode with…

Google Analytics Custom Alerts

These are recommended custom alerts for Google Analytics to be notified when certain things happen on the website. It is advised to check both the “Send me an email…” for…

Google Analytics Calculated Metrics

For free accounts, Google Analytics allows 5 calculated metrics per view. These are custom equations to assist insights. For many great ideas of custom calculated metrics, read this article. Note…

Google Analytics Campaign URL Generator

This is a campaign URL builder for Google. This generator validates the URL and will automatically encode strings as needed. It also generates on input (instead of having to submit…


This checks several conditions to determine if analytics should be enabled for this rendering. Conditions that do not allow analytics: If “Do Not Track” header is present and the Nebula…


The Google Place ID can be entered in Nebula Options where this function will look if a specific Place ID is not included when this function is called. Note: This…

Contact Form 7

…on navigation or refresh, and data is transferred between windows/tabs for all text-based fields. Event Tracking Submission attempts and success will be logged in Google Analytics automatically. Nebula also reports…

Get Started

…login page, or admin side. Where can I add my Google Analytics tracking code? You can paste your tracking ID in Nebula Options under the APIs tab. My oEmbed content overflows…


“Container” is the element that wraps all of the individual elements. Think of this as the boundary for the filter. In a list example, the “container” would be the UL….

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