
…two aliases: vimeo_meta() and youtube_meta(). Sidenote: Remember that Youtube and Vimeo have their own APIs for JavaScript integration. It is recommended to read through these as there are many intricate…


This method allows for always up-to-date plugins to be bundled with Nebula. This requires the TGM Plugin Activation library….


…borders on elements after scrolling, this is what is happening. You can modify your CSS to change this. It is highly recommended to use scroll-padding-top in CSS to ensure the…

Google Analytics Custom Alerts

These are recommended custom alerts for Google Analytics to be notified when certain things happen on the website. It is advised to check both the “Send me an email…” for…

Google Analytics Segments

These are recommended custom segments for Google Analytics to see how groups of users interact with your website differently. Custom Segments (Core GA Dimensions) These are ideas for custom segments…

Google Analytics Goals

These are recommended Google Analytics Goals for gaining insights with tools like conversion funnels. Goals are specific to each business, but here are some ideas of things to assign as…


…be included in the word count! It is recommended to add each custom field individually (rather than looping through all fields) to be sure that only contentful output is included….


The format of each line in the log is: [timestamp] message (on file) Example: [Saturday, April 19, 2020 – 10:51:51am] This is a test. (on…

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