
This function can be called as a PHP function or via JavaScript using AJAX. Nebula adds a markup key to the Twitter object where it wraps detected strings in HTML…


Not to be confused with the JavaScript equalize class. This is slated for deprecation in favor of simply using flexbox align-self: stretch;….

Testing Checklist

…tag usage Check readability without certain resources Disable javascript Disable images Disable CSS Sufficient color contrast (especially for header/navigation) Print style Text selection (Not blocked, coherent order) Sitemap (Preferably XML)…


For more complicated patterns, you may want to use the Fetch API directly, but this Nebula function simplifies the traditional fetch() pattern significantly for simple tasks.


Important: This function requires the “Attribution Tracking” Nebula Option to be enabled in order to use it! Be sure that the use of this cookie fits within your privacy policy…

Using Nebula DOM Events in Google Tag Manager

Nebula triggers DOM events whenever a “generic” tracked interaction occurs. This allows other JavaScript (child themes, plugins) to listen and process these events themselves. This is useful for third-party integration…

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