
For an easier implementation, you could simply add the class s to the search input. See autocompleteSearchListeners(). On keypress or paste, this function triggers nebula_autocomplete_search_start. On autocomplete success, nebula_autocomplete_search_success is…


This defines Tether as empty so Bootstrap thinks it is called (and doesn’t trigger any warnings). Tether is only needed for tooltips, so when tooltips are detected (in main.js), the…


…two aliases: vimeo_meta() and youtube_meta(). Sidenote: Remember that Youtube and Vimeo have their own APIs for JavaScript integration. It is recommended to read through these as there are many intricate…


This is a redundant warning system for important precautions.


…whereas this JavaScript function does not. Note: We are ideally looking for an easier method of syncing contact data to replace the server-side functionality with an updated version of this…

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