Google Analytics Custom Definitions

…Sends data when notable browser info is detected (such as notable bot traffic or JavaScript disabled). Scope: Session Conversion Data Event Intent Log whether the event was true, or just…

Finding an Deregistering Assets Manually

…for JavaScript resources) is not part of the handle, so we can copy the rest of it to our clipboard: wp-bootstrap-gallery. Now, in your functions file, hook into the wp_enqueue_scripts…


A class of save-data is added to the <body> tag so that stylesheets and JavaScript can look for it too….


This function wouldn’t be called directly, but becomes important when squeezing every millisecond out of performance. The Nebula Option for jQuery allows for it to be moved to the footer….


…when the network is unavailable (and remove it when the network connection returns). It is also called automatically when the network availability changes using the JavaScript events online and offline….


…URLs to prevent them from attempting to be added to the cache. It also manages the cache name automatically to match the Service Worker JavaScript. Deprecated in favor of Workbox….


The default filename for the Nebula service worker is sw.js and typical Nebula installation instructs for this file to be moved to the root directory. However, all of this can…


…This function can’t catch all errors, but it offers a glimpse into many that will prevent visitors from using the website. JavaScript errors are also logged in the same report….

Analytics Overview

…Nebula uses a combination of custom JavaScript events as well as including autotrack.js for advanced event data without needing any programming at all. These events include: Events are shown as…


This function should be supplemented by adding a project-specific set of event tracking in a child theme JavaScript file. If the Event Intent custom dimension (in Nebula Options) is used,…

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