
…in classes that listen for some events so that JavaScript does not need to be written to use them. They include: ready (DOM ready) load (window load) click (element click)…


…also sent to the Query Monitor Timings section: Timings This timing header is also available in other speed testing tools (like that provide access to response headers. JavaScript


Unlike jQuery getScript(), this function caches the JavaScript resource….


…a CID which is replaced via JavaScript when an actual Google Analytics Client ID is generated. If the Nebula version remains it indicates that Google Analytics or JavaScript is blocked….


This is a convenient alias of lazy_load(). Note: this function does not need to use echo as it prints immediately. This uses JavaScript to load images after the page has…


…For background images, add the class .lazy-load to the element. Warning: The HTML (<img>, <iframe>, etc.) methods support non-JavaScript environments, but the .lazy-load method requires JavaScript to work. To trigger…


…does not need to use echo as it prints immediately. This uses JavaScript to load HTML after the page has finished loading. Any element above the fold will be loaded…


This is a convenient alias of lazy_load(). Note: this function does not need to use echo as it prints immediately. This uses JavaScript to load iframes after the page has…


…if this event is sent before (or without) a corresponding pageview hit type. Be selective about when this function is called, or call it via AJAX in JavaScript if possible….

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