
Common WordPress hooks for deregistering assets include wp_enqueue_scripts, wp_print_styles, and wp_print_scripts. Make sure your hook has a higher priority number so it runs after the original. This function both dequeues…


This function requires the Hubspot API to be added in Nebula Options. It is currently not used for sending Hubspot data as the data is currently sent through the nv()…

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…in the update notification for quick access. Help/FAQ General Questions Where are JavaScript and stylesheet files added? JavaScript files should be registered and enqueued in the functions.php file. This ensures that they…


…in classes that listen for some events so that JavaScript does not need to be written to use them. They include: ready (DOM ready) load (window load) click (element click)…


This function prioritizes in the following order: A custom function that hooks into `nebula_logo` (an image file URL is the expected return) Customizer on sub-page when that one-color logo checkbox…


…a few principles… Nebula is autonomous. The reason WordPress has proliferated is in part due to it not needing extra software. Nebula follows this mentality in that it should not…


Remember that this is a method and not a function– see the example for how to use it.


For more complicated patterns, you may want to use the Fetch API directly, but this Nebula function simplifies the traditional fetch() pattern significantly for simple tasks.


This is a convenient way to use the Cache API because it checks for invalid URLs to prevent them from attempting to be added to the cache. It also manages…

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