
For <img> elements, you can use the lazy_img() function (or lazy_load()). For <iframe> elements, you can use the lazy_iframe() function (or lazy_load()). For all other HTML elements, use the lazy_load()….


…in JavaScript) “window”, “document”, “html”, “body” “session”: Session information of the user “id”, “flags” “user”: User information for future visits “cid” This is localized into the nebula object in JavaScript….


…have their own APIs for JavaScript integration. It is recommended to read through these as there are many intricate nuances in each. Youtube Iframe API Docs Vimeo Player API Docs…


Unlike jQuery getScript(), this function caches the JavaScript resource….


…logged-out users). Server Timing API Timings are sent via the server-timing HTTP header and can be viewed in Chrome DevTools under Network by clicking the page resource and choosing the

Facebook Customer Chat Plugin

…because they are stored in an HTML attribute and may cause it to close. Use Nebula’s data to your advantage! Customize the greeting to the user if you know their…


…function can not detect if an object is defined, so that must be done prior or alongside this function. See above example. Deprecated notice: Use native JS Optional Chaining instead….


…address or logged-in email domain) dev – Developer user (Matched by IP address or logged-in email domain) r – Logged-in WordPress user role uid – Logged-in WordPress user ID bot…


The Nebula memoize function is treated similarly to the WordPress Transient API.

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