
…accessed using custom reports! I highly recommend Ron Whitman’s Exception Report (via the Gallery) Google AdWords Google Attribution Google AdSense (If applicable) Google APIs Use this Developers Console to manage…


Note that this requires a paid API key for Google Maps to work. Otherwise the user will be presented with an alert message when filling it out.   Updates the


This checks if the undocumented getVideoData() function is available from the Youtube API. Either way it tries to return the most applicable title available. The fallback stack is Youtube title,…


This checks if the undocumented getVideoData() function is available from the Youtube API. Either way it tries to return the most applicable ID available. The fallback stack is Youtube ID,…

Using Nebula DOM Events in Google Tag Manager

Nebula triggers DOM events whenever a “generic” tracked interaction occurs. This allows other JavaScript (child themes, plugins) to listen and process these events themselves. This is useful for third-party integration…

Google Analytics Custom Definitions

Nebula bundles lots of optional Custom Dimensions and Custom Metrics for Google Analytics. Use as many or as few as needed. Use the Nebula Options page to enable them. While…

Contact Form 7

…Nebula file location string to match: PHP add_filter(‘nebula_cf7_file_location’, function($file_location){ return str_replace(WPCF7_UPLOADS_TMP_DIR, home_url(‘/’) . ‘/wp-content/uploads/your-storage-directory-here/’, $file_location); }); Validation Nebula includes live, soft-validation. This pre-submit validation helps assist the user without actually…


This function triggers geolocationSuccess when finished so the nebula.session.geolocation can be used….


This is basically wp_remote_get() with a caching aspect. If a resource is unavailable, Nebula will not remotely request from that hostname for 10 minutes to maintain quick load times. Never…

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