
The Nebula memoize function is treated similarly to the WordPress Transient API.


This is basically wp_remote_get() with a caching aspect. If a resource is unavailable, Nebula will not remotely request from that hostname for 10 minutes to maintain quick load times. Never…


…accessed using custom reports! I highly recommend Ron Whitman’s Exception Report (via the Gallery) Google AdWords Google Attribution Google AdSense (If applicable) Google APIs Use this Developers Console to manage…


“Container” is the element that wraps all of the individual elements. Think of this as the boundary for the filter. In a list example, the “container” would be the UL….


Developers and clients IP addresses and email domains can be added in Nebula Options under the Administration tab.


…too). The settings page itself can be found in the Wordpress admin under Appearance > Nebula Options. Developers can detect these settings for their functions using the Nebula Options function….


This dashboard metabox must be enabled in Nebula Options, and either a developer IP or email domain must be entered! Create to-do comments by using the syntax @todo “Category” Priority:…


…This function can’t catch all errors, but it offers a glimpse into many that will prevent visitors from using the website. JavaScript errors are also logged in the same report….

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