
This function requires the linear channel value lookup table. For simple functionality (when only needing black and white return values) consider using the readable-color() function instead….


…the transient storage is different than simply getting/setting data to a variable, you may need to write the transient/wp_cache directly. Note: Using the ?debug query parameter will clear/bypass the transient….

Facebook Customer Chat Plugin

…SDK when needed, but if not using that method, you’ll need to make sure the Facebook SDK gets called. (Optional) Tie it into your Facebook App by adding your App…


…be overridden by using the pre_sw_location action (See below for full code snippet). If you intend on using an alternate filename or location, you must override this function in your…


Not to be confused with the JavaScript equalize class. This is slated for deprecation in favor of simply using flexbox align-self: stretch;….


…that data exists. To use it in a “local” form, you can do it the same way as above, but if you are using Contact Form 7 with Nebula no…


Here is where to add the class to the menu item. If this is not available, check the “Screen Options” dropdown at the very top of the screen to enable…

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