
This function can be called as a PHP function or via JavaScript using AJAX. Nebula adds a markup key to the Twitter object where it wraps detected strings in HTML…

Google Analytics Custom Definitions

using map polygons. Scope: Session Ad Blocker Detects if the user is using ad blocking scripts (Note: Be certain the scope is not set to “hit”!). Scope: Session Notable Browser…

Google Analytics Calculated Metrics

…calculated metrics using Nebula custom metrics Avg. Max Scroll Percent (Percent) Requires “Max Scroll Percent” custom metric (Nebula Options). Custom Report should have this metric along with “Unique Pageviews” against…


This function stores timing data using in a window nebulaTimings object- this object is organized by uniqueID. Each uniqueID contains an object of data including: started: When the timer…


Note: To use this class, the parent element must have a set height (not a min-height)! Consider using flexbox properties for vertically centering and aligning. Bootstrap has classes that help…

Upgrading to Font Awesome Pro

…could mean you are not using the all.min.css file. Your child theme icons are working, but now parent Nebula theme icons are broken? If you’re using the Font Awesome JS…


If using a CF7 form, be sure to place the feedback form inside of the post loop if you want to use the post-related special mail tags (such as [_post_title])!…

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