
Unlike jQuery getScript(), this function caches the JavaScript resource….


Note that automatic icons are only applied to links within the entry content area. However, the .icon class will allow them to appear anywhere on the page. Icons are not…


…footer). There are other ways to alleviate this problem and minutely control when jQuery is loaded in the footer using the nebula_prevent_jquery_footer filter. See the examples for how this filter…


…fields and select menus. Success if they have any value. Regular Expressions (RegEx) Use the class nebula-validate-regex to validate fields using a custom RegEx pattern. This requires an attribute of…

Contact Form 7

…matches the website. I recommend using [email protected]. This is due to DMARC policy. Instead, add a “Reply-To:” to the Additional Settings field. The format for this should be Reply-to: [your-name]…


For an easier implementation, you could simply add the class s to the search input. See autocompleteSearchListeners(). On keypress or paste, this function triggers nebula_autocomplete_search_start. On autocomplete success, nebula_autocomplete_search_success is…

Testing Checklist

…to Google Analytics (using an alternate View) Validity Run the pages through various validators to see if there are any glaring mistakes. The linters will be very strict, and HTML5…

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