
…If you need to override the name and/or location of the file, override the sw_location() function (documentation here). When using an SSL, Nebula sets a Content Security Policy (CSP) header…


This is a convenient way to use the Cache API because it checks for invalid URLs to prevent them from attempting to be added to the cache. It also manages…


…when the network is unavailable (and remove it when the network connection returns). It is also called automatically when the network availability changes using the JavaScript events online and offline….


Current group size breakpoints: “ultrawidescreen”: 2048px (and larger) “widescreen”: 1600px (and larger) “tablet_landscape”: 1023px (and smaller) “tablet”: 767px (and smaller) “mobile_landscape”: 668px (and smaller) “mobile”: 376px (and smaller) “print” “sm”:…


“Use Companion Script” and “Real-Time Form Identification” options must be enabled for this to work in Nebula Options (using the Companion plugin). Use the same input classes as nvForm() such…


…currently a controller, so it is safe to use anywhere. Remember: Using shift+reload bypasses the service worker so the window will not be controlled! This prevents messages from being posted!…


If you are simply trying to lazy load a single <img> tag, consider using the native browser lazy load with the following attribute: <img src=”#” loading=”lazy” /> Note: this function…


…image is hard-coded into a template file or stylesheet Inside galleries This may not work inside third-party plugins (Possibly others too) Here is another test using the WordPress Block Editor….


“Use Companion Script” and “Real-Time Form Identification” options must be enabled for this to work in Nebula Options (using the Companion plugin). This function looks for any query string that…

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