
…and logs themselves can be viewed in Nebula Options in the Diagnostics tab. Some examples of administrative events that are logged by Nebula itself: Nebula theme activation Nebula theme updates…


…is used, each click event is associated with an “explicit” or “intent” dimension (for right-clicking or middle-clicking). For a list of all events tracked by Nebula, see [page coming soon]….


This function handles the timing of individual form fields as well as overall forms. It also handles the Google Analytics event tracking for form submission funnels including starting forms, submit…


Similar to throttle() but debounce only allows the callback once at the end (or the beginning) whereas throttle happens multiple times with a “cooldown” in between….


Use this hit builder by Google to assist preparing options. Note: Be careful using this function as it may affect reports if this event is sent before (or without) a…


This function concatenates the new field/event to the existing string and then sets a custom dimension (if used). As the user moves through the form, the data is sent to…

Launch Checklist

…with events and AdWords). Ensure required bug testing has been completed. Ensure required content entry has been completed. Prepare 301 Redirects. Backup “wp_content” folder. Server Backup Wordpress database (cPanel >…

Google Analytics Custom Alerts

…is being targeted and what IP the attempts are coming from. Period: Day Alert Conditions: • This applies to: Event Category, Contains, Attempted User: • Alert me when: Total Events,…

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