
Unlike high-contrast-color() this function only returns black or white, but it is not as intensive nor does it require a linear channel value lookup table….


This function requires the linear channel value lookup table. For simple functionality (when only needing black and white return values) consider using the readable-color() function instead….


Use the class nebula-validate on the form (or containing element) to enable validation. In Contact Form 7, either wrap the whole thing in a <div> or modify the shortcode with…


This debug info is sent to the recipient of the form if the shortcode [debuginfo] appears in the message of the Contact Form 7 form settings. This debug info is…


…of well written code is that it can be easily read by others. Functionality within Nebula is written in a way that allows any programmer to understand the code because…


This function facilitates the animation class and reflowing the element as needed in a single function so it does not need to be done manually in multiple steps.


Results are stored in a transient for 24 hours for optimization.

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