
Unlike jQuery getScript(), this function caches the JavaScript resource….


This function relies on the html element be set to 16px as it calculates the rem size based on 16px….


Has an alias of social_link()….

Upgrading to Font Awesome Pro

…is strongly recommended. Then use the provided code snippet on this page in your child theme functions file (either functions.php, /functions/nebula_child.php, or any custom location you’ve created). If icons are…


…service worker, use navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage(data), or the more convenient Nebula alias: nebulaPostMessage Deprecated in favor of Workbox Window. Use workbox.messageSW()[code] after it has been activated (Listen for [code]nebula_workbox_active on the document)….


This function concatenates the new field/event to the existing string and then sets a custom dimension (if used). As the user moves through the form, the data is sent to…


Brief warning that the Yahoo API (from my experience) is not very reliable as far as up-time. Nebula caches the data and prevents long timeouts, but the weather data itself…


This function requires the Hubspot Portal ID in Nebula Options.

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