Google Analytics Custom Definitions

…Sends data when notable browser info is detected (such as notable bot traffic or JavaScript disabled). Scope: Session Conversion Data Event Intent Log whether the event was true, or just…


This function should be supplemented by adding a project-specific set of event tracking in a child theme JavaScript file. If the Event Intent custom dimension (in Nebula Options) is used,…


…finished loading. Any iframes above the fold will be loaded immediately and any below the fold will wait for the user to scroll. These iframes are loaded in <noscript> tags…


…finished loading. Any images above the fold will be loaded immediately and any below the fold will wait for the user to scroll. These images are loaded in <noscript> tags…


…immediately and any below the fold will wait for the user to scroll. This HTML is loaded in <noscript> tags so if JavaScript is not available, the elements will load…


Unlike jQuery getScript(), this function caches the JavaScript resource….

Contact Form 7

…on navigation or refresh, and data is transferred between windows/tabs for all text-based fields. Event Tracking Submission attempts and success will be logged in Google Analytics automatically. Nebula also reports…


This function concatenates the new field/event to the existing string and then sets a custom dimension (if used). As the user moves through the form, the data is sent to…

Google Analytics Custom Alerts

…is being targeted and what IP the attempts are coming from. Period: Day Alert Conditions: • This applies to: Event Category, Contains, Attempted User: • Alert me when: Total Events,…


This function requires the Hubspot Portal ID in Nebula Options.

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